Our most comprehensive big data platform for the companies that do it all
Exensio IDM is tailored to the needs and requirements of companies that manufacture, test, assemble, and package all of their own products. It includes all four of our core modules: Manufacturing Analytics, Process Control, Test Operations, and Assembly Operations.
Exensio IDM collects and aligns data from every step of the semiconductor product lifecycle. The data is available in near real-time via our Data Exchange Network (DEX) and is stored in a common semantic data model that is immediately ready for interactive or machine-learning analysis.
Fast and Powerful Analytics
With Exensio IDM, customers can quickly and easily perform complex tasks such as product sensitivity analysis. In this dashboard example, the user has identified a parameter that will fail WAT, indicating a design that is too sensitive to the process due to very small design rule margins.
As part of the analysis process, users can quickly and easily drill down into supporting data and create charts like WS vs. WAT/PCM, WS distribution and WAT distribution. This is simple to do in Exensio IDM because all of the manufacturing data is stored in a common database, with data that is automatically aligned and ready for analysis.
In this example, if the customer needs to increase yield, they need to go back to the fab and tighten up their process controls or consider going back to the source design.
With all of your product data at your fingertips there is virtually no question that you cannot ask of your data with Exensio IDM.